Hard work allows you to reach your goals but being smarter will put you ahead. Obsidian Systems, is an established supplier of enterprise-ready open source software solutions. We focus on providing the South African market with vendor-certified products; local expertise to provide consulting, development, and support; and vendor-certified training. Partnering with technology solutions enabling smarter teams to create smarter code, to smarter compute for smarter data. We take care of your infrastructure, maintenance and service needs. Together, we focus on providing agile responses to the changing business needs for your people, organisation and customers digital transformation journey for data-driven decision making. Globally businesses are moving toward a transparent, single touch integrated world. Think beyond open source code, think open systems.



Obsidian Systems

  Muggie van Staden

  P.O. Box 4938
Cresta, Gauteng 2118 South Africa

  Contact Me





P.O. Box 4938
Cresta, Gauteng 2118 South Africa


Additional Company Information and Background


Good collaboration tools are essential to the adoption of modern DevOps processes for development, giving businesses of all sizes the power to track and share everything for the purposes of constant iteration and improvement. Atlassian are second-to-none for delivering the right environment for productivity, allowing teams to work smarter and more effectively together, co-creating with a single shared vision. ~Collaborate, Build & Deploy~ *Time based Our Atlassian experts are passionate about bringing teams together using the right tools at the right time; our services levels are tailored to suit your needs. // training / consulting / agile teams *Remote & Secure We can assist you with all Atlassian products and depending on your choice of SmarterCompute, we can help your teams be the best they can be. // maintain / assist / deploy / devops *Quick As an Atlassian Platinum Partner our teams have the ability to respond to your queries and provide ongoing support for your teams. // maintain / assist / deploy *Cost effective Our team of sales consultants are able to manage all your licensing requirements from quotes, to advising you on the best options available. // licensing / support / renewals Products: Adaptavist: https://www.adaptavist.com/ Atlassian: https://www.atlassian.com/ Draw.io: https://drawio-app.com/ Grape: https://www.grape.io/ Mindville: https://www.mindville.com/ Tempo: https://www.tempo.io/

Designed to build, run and deploy Our partners are sourcing open options, versus being open source and providing copies of their source code for customers to consider. This code is not necessarily developed in an open source community fashion, but rather gives insight into the integration capabilities that the offerings provide. Application modernisation is changing the way IT is approached and containers make it easy to package solutions along with their dependencies. Build. Run & Deploy​ ~ Time Based Our consulting teams are skilled at providing expert services to integrate new tools and right tools for any environment. // deployment / consulting / devops ~ Secure We can assist you with SmarterCode products, and depending on your choice of SmarterCompute service provider, we can help you scale. // maintain / assist / deploy / devops ~ Responsive We have the ability to offer you response times per server and services according to your specified needs and requirements both for critical applications or dev purposes. // maintain / assist / deploy ~Cost effective We can provide service response times that are suited for your budget and provide efficient services fit for purpose not vice-versa. // consulting / support / updates Products: Chef: https://www.chef.io/products/chef-infra/ GitLab: https://about.gitlab.com/ Rancher: https://rancher.com/ Red Hat: https://www.redhat.com/en

Designed for availability, management and scale Avoid the temptation of over simplifying approaches which leads to exclusivity. No longer is it the case of proprietary systems or open source ones. Rather, businesses need to extract the most value out of legacy systems while running open implementations in parallel to become more flexible to the changing competitive landscape. Scale, Distribute & Deliver ~ Convenience Our partners are passionate about delivering their best services and expertise to ensure longevity of your IT expenditure. // legacy systems / future facing / hardware / hybrid ~ Integration Based on a proud history and track record in open source we believe that our solutions are suitable regardless of the system you have. Essentially, it offers you the freedom of choice. // interoperability / freedom / deployment ~ Customer and User Preferences Each business case requires its own preferences for both teams and systems. One need not erase the past, but one must be prepared for the future. // integrate / maximise / productivity ~ Cost effective Our team of sales consultants are able to manage all your business requirements and will be able to advise you on the best options and a contact for you. // efficiency / utilisation Products: AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/ Digital Ocean: https://www.digitalocean.com/ HashiCorp: https://www.hashicorp.com/ Silicon Sky: https://www.siliconsky.com/ Stratus: https://www.stratus.com/en-uk/

Designed to flow, store and evolve Big data is an integral component of business operations irrespective of industry. With increased reliance on data analysis for real-time decision-making, the right strategy, tools and team successful means that adoption in South Africa is possible. Store, Analyse & Govern ~ Strategic Consulting To harness your data you need to plan for the required expertise and resources, and this means confirming the right data engineers, data scientists and data analysts. // training / consulting / strategy ~ Project Management If you are investing in the future of data then your biggest assets will also require closely monitored project timelines and culture change. // investment / deployment / data lake / data platform ~ Training 75% of IOT providers say that data analytics and big data skills are the most in-demand skill set they look for in candidates… needless to say skills are in demand! // expertise / training / services ~ Investment Our team of sales consultants are able to manage all your licensing requirements from quotes to advise on the best options available for you. // licensing / support / adoption Products: Cloudera: https://www.cloudera.com/ MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/ RedisLabs: https://redislabs.com/ Talend: https://www.talend.com/